Monday, September 8, 2008


So today was like an ordinary day for me. I woke up and did school and then went to work. Work was surprisingly smooth. I got to work register. I was so happy because lately I've been working on headset a lot and it's fine but after a while it gets boring. Anyway while I was at work I was talking to my really good friend here that's helping me get through my breakup. Anyway one of my co-workers come by and ask me who I'm talking to and I tell her and she's like O my gosh! I was like no, it's not like that. Then my one of my other friends (my ex-boyfriend's sister) e-mails me and asks me what happens and was it the other guy. I really don't know why everyone assumes I like him. I only like him as a friend right now. That is it! And even though I might like him a little bit I'm not going to do anything about it. I'm going to stay single until I turn 18 and he's helping me do that. I don't know. Sometimes I get so tired of people looking at me and thinking the only reason I had to break up with my boyfriend was because I liked someone else. I just don't get it. Anyway, I have to go practice my violin and get ready for school tomorrow. First day back at my homeschool group.

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